Samsung has attempted to address that shortcoming with its next-generation successor to the 840 Series. The 840 EVO features a faster controller, newer TLC NAND, and a dedicated write cache populated with speedier SLC flash. There's a second layer of caching that leans on system memory, too.
Despite these enhancements, the 840 EVO
solid state hard drive retains the budget-friendly pricing of its predecessor. We've been testing one pretty much around the clock for the past few days. Let's see how it stacks up.
SAMSUNG 840 EVO solid state hard drive struts it stuff
Samsung has tweaked the 840 EVO
solid state hard drive with an eye toward providing better performance at the low queue depths typical of consumer workloads. New flash management algorithms have been added to the firmware, and they employ more advanced signal processing techniques to eke every last bit of life out of the NAND. Signal processing and error correction are essential to maintaining endurance as flash process geometries shrink, according to Samsung. The firm appears uninterested in using SandForce-style write compression to reduce NAND wear.
To prevent overheating in cramped notebook chassis, the 840 EVO
solid state hard drive includes a Dynamic Thermal Guard feature that throttles performance when temperatures exceed 50°C. Samsung hasn't explained exactly how this built-in protection works, but the scheme likely involves scaling back the clock speed of the controller's ARM cores.
256-bit AES encryption support is also built into the MEX controller. Right now, the 840 EVO supports full-disk encryption gated by an old-school ATA password.
The only other controller elements worthy of note are those that allow the EVO
solid state hard drive to double the maximum storage capacity of the other members of the 840 family. In addition to adding support for denser 128Gb flash dies, Samsung tuned the controller to work with the extra
DRAM cache required to manage a terabyte of flash. Our 500GB drive has 512MB of LPDDR2 memory onboard, and the 1TB model sports an even gig of RAM.
All in all it a thumbs up, for more info or to grab yours Go to today for more on the SAMSUNG 840 EVO
solid state hard drive
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